DS 2.3.1 configuring Traces tab


Is there a way to hide or the filter section at the top of the Traces tab in the Target Management perspective? I can resize it to almost nothing but can’t remove it altogether. Or, is there any way to resize the traces window underneath it?

I’m out on site and my laptop doesn’t have enough screen real-estate to display the traces and Console windows without a lot of scrolling the tab contents up and down :frowning:

Thanks, Dave

I guess you’re annoyed with the recurring but we have with some of the TM views, and in particular the Traces one, displaying two scrollbars: one at the view level, one at the trace table level.
Hopefully, this bug is now fixed in the next 2.3.2 version, and the scroll bar at the view level has disappeared: you can access to the totality of the traces by just scrolling in the table.
2.3.2 version is scheduled in late October/beg November.

Hi daav,

That sounds good. Thanks.

Looking forward to the DS 2.3.2 release.

Ciao, Dave