DS 1.2.0: Traces when in FCM Data Mode

Is it possible (as it was with TMT) to get traces in DS 1.2.0 when the UART is switched to FCM Data Mode?

It is actually possible but with some limitations:

  • you have to take care to switch the UART in data mode (with the FCM API) after the connection has been set in Development Mode by DS (but this was the same with TMT).
  • for the moment, DS don’t provide a way to access data sent/received in data mode (i.e. the equivalent of the “Data” window in TMT “Terminal Emulator”)

So yes, you can have the traces in FCM Data Mode… but not the data… (However, it is still logged as an evolution point for a future release).

Thanks - that was what I thought.

Good! :smiley:

Please make this an urgent one for releas ASAP.

Please include the facility to “pass-through” the data to another physical COM port on the PC (as TMT/TE did);

Please also add the facility to “pass-through” the data to a “virtual” COM port on the PC - so that an app on the PC can connect to it (was not possible on TMT/TE - had to use a null-modem cable and 2 physical COM ports).

A follow-on about “pass-through”: https://forum.sierrawireless.com/t/data-pass-through-to-physical-com-port-on-the-pc/4881/2

Both points are logged for evolution.
I can say that they won’t be integrated in the next release, which is about to be delivered synchronously with Software Suite 2.35 in the coming weeks.
But I’ve logged them as important ones for the “next next” release.