I am trying to display the GPS location and dBm values of a GX400 modem in a php website, I’ve been looking around but found very little information regarding something like this (or maybe I’m looking in the wrong place). Any help would be appreciated!
Ultimately I would like to query the GX400 using php to obtain the data I need. Not as an application on the device or the AirVantage M2M Cloud. This is already being done when you login to the device but the end users will not have access to the modems, or any of the setup options available. All I need is signal quality and GPS data!
Sorry, I didn’t even see I posted on the wrong forum.
You should be able to configure your GX to send these reports to your server. Have a look at the ALEOS User Guide in the Developer Zone
If this solution doesn’t match your needs, you may want to script your preferred solution using ALEOS Application Framework. Again, the Developer Zone will help you, as we have some sample source codes and tutorial to explain how you can read GPS and signal-strength information from the device
Or, as Thibs suggested, you configure your device to report to AirVantage M2M Cloud, and you simply get the info from there (again, some tutorials available on the Dev Zone)