Disable +WIND message

Hi everyone,
It is possible to disable +WIND message on modem start up?

Yes it is - and the AT Commands manual tells you how!

Maybe if I post this question to forum I don’t find the answer on the manual.

Not everyone is a OpenAT super expert!

It is clearly stated in the AT Commands manual: go to the section “General Indications +WIND
There are subsections “Description”, “Syntax”, “Defined Values”, etc.

The subsection “Defined Values” tells you how to enable or disable specific +WIND indications, and how to disable all +WIND indications.

This is general AT Command usage - not specifically to do with Open-AT!

I thought, this should be this command :


That’s right! But I think you should not use this command if you are using ADL. ADL kind of depends on getting those messages, at least it was like that in some older versions of OpenAT. If you don’t know what ADL is, you might be OK, too… (I would guess you are not using it then…)

Best Regards,

Hi daimoniro

You do not need to be super expert
But I do suggest reading the ADL user guide.
ADL user guide for openat3.13 section 2.10 (Inner AT commands configuration) states that on startup the modem will switch all indicators on.
So it will not help if you disable it because the modem will switch them on again.
Rather use the adl_unsosubscribe and capture the indicators and then do not display it.
This is how I get rid of the +WIND indicators.