Different modes of giving to input to wavecom device?

Hello every one…

Can any body tell me apart from message , dtmf can we take input into wavecom device?

-Such as through gprs packets?
-Using any uart program?

                                 Thank you in advance to every one

You have the following options besides the two you already mentioned:

  • UART 1 and 2
  • USB
  • I2C
  • SPI
  • TCP/UDP sockets over GPRS

UART 1, 2 and USB are the only ones where you can use AT commands directly.

A couple more:

  • Data (CSD) call (possibly as a bearer for IP);
  • GPIOs (some are specifically designed for use with a keypad);
  • Some modules also have Analogue-to-Digital Converter (ADC) input(s)