Developer studio plugin on Linux

i have tried to install the Developer studio Plugin on my Linux machine, but i am getting this error message:

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=epp.package.linuxtools, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Artifact not found: osgi.bundle,com.wavecom.openat.ide.ebs.armeabigcc.linux,4.4.1. … _4.4.1.jar
Artifact not found: osgi.bundle,com.wavecom.openat.ide.ebs.armelfgcc.linux,4.0.1. … _4.0.1.jar
Artifact not found: osgi.bundle,, … -R6600.jar
Artifact not found: osgi.bundle,, … -R6525.jar
Artifact not found: osgi.bundle,com.wavecom.openat.ide.luacompiler.linux,2.0.0. … _2.0.0.jar
Artifact not found: osgi.bundle,,2.1.7.v20101105. … 101105.jar
Artifact not found: osgi.bundle,org.keplerproject.luaeclipse, … 311322.jar
Artifact not found: osgi.bundle,org.keplerproject.luaeclipse.lua.linux, … 311322.jar

What i am doing wrong here?

greetz rene

Please can you elaborate on which “packaged release” of Eclipse you’ve installed prior to try install Developer Studio over it?

Note: it is advised to use a 3.6.1 based release (not a 3.6.2 one) to install Developer Studio, as it provides a patched version of CDT (based on 7.0.1), and these patches are not integrated in the latest CDT (currently 7.0.2). We’re seeing with the CDT team to see how to integrate these patches in next CDT release.

Uhm i tried 3.6.1 from this site: … EclipseSDK

but now i run into an infinite loop when i try to install the all in one developer studio

now i get this error message:

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=SDKProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Artifact not found: osgi.bundle,,2.1.7.v20101105. … 101105.jar
Artifact not found: osgi.bundle,org.keplerproject.luaeclipse.lua.linux, … 311322.jar

It seems that the download link for the lua eclipse doesnt work anymore…
its not possible to install it external, cause your developerstudio tries to install it anyway…

where can i find the download links for all your plugins? theres only a .exe in your download section on the site.

Please note the URL is case sensitive…
Indeed: works while doesn’t work.

Please take care to use (with a capital S in developerStudio) URL to install DS plugins under Linux.