I am trying to create a device on Octave through the Octave API. I was able to successfully removing the device through the calls listed here: https://rest.octave.dev/#device-object , however, upon trying to create a device, it says that a device with this imei and serial number already exists on the platform. Does the delete attribute actually remove this device from the company?
Hi jrivera1,
Yes, it does.
You can delete a device via the User Interface or Octave API
You can create a device via the User Interface or Octave API
Help to tick “Solutions” if your question is answered.
Could you please share your device IMEI (no need to share the SN here) ?
Do you still see it in the device listing in the Octave UI ?
From customer via email:
Hi David,
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I did manage to add my device through Postman, I had incorrectly used Raads imei and fsn instead and got confused as they are so similar aha. Apologies. However we did have some questions though regarding the devices setup using Octaves api, there was something peculiar Raad and I had noticed and I will try to recreate it for you to show if I can, and I believe we may set up a meeting for soon? I’ll get back to Yaash and the team on that