I have the MC8090 development kit product and successfully controlled in a linux system by AT commands (in ttyUSB3) and CnS/HIP commands (ttyUSB0) now I want to controlled by a microcontroller family PIC18F but I can’t find if MC8090 is mapped the same way into this chip.
Does anyone knows if there is a special configuration on my Pic that I need in order to send commands? Preferently CnS commands in ttyUSB0. I tried just connecting serial RS232 to the board and send AT commands but it doesn’t work.
PS. I’ve seen that HL series is more adaptable to be controlled by a microcontroller but right now I just have MC8090 chip.
The USB declares itself to any connecting device in the same way, running USB against a PIC18F I would say is quite difficult, we do have a USB developers guide if you do want to try to develop the firmware for this. The HL units are much more appropriate to use with a PIC device rather than something that has a complex USB interface without an OS supporting it.
I am not sure if MC8090 needs USB code in the PIC because In PC I can connect it with rs232 and send commands without any usb library, I only use rs232.
It is possible to transfer the command line parser to UART (using the at!mapuart command) but this is completely proprietary and there is no easily accessible on board IP stack that you can use with it.