i’ve got a problem with downloading an application to target.
I have the development Kit with Q2686.
RS232 is correctly (straight cable) connected with UART1
UART1 is enable, LED “EN1” is on
Flash LED is on
BOOT is off
I can open the Com-Port on PC correctly, but the Target Monitoring Tool can not find a target (with Auto dedect), not the DWLWin either.
Of course i can not recive any information about the Target…
Any idea?
The development kit is second hand, are there perhaps any fuse bit witch can be cleared?
Hi, did your Q2686 is soldered to the Devboard? If not try to solder the pins or make a good contact with the Devboard pastil (introduce a soldered wire between Q26 pins and the Devboard pastil)
since you’re using the Q2686 dev-board. forget the above statement about the resistor, but use the boot-switch.
as you can read in the development kit guidlines.
Oh yes,
i’m an embedded c-programmer (regular occupation). Actually, my problem is to know, when i have to use which command and what kind of Handler exists and so on.
I try to understand the samples and so i come forward slowly
I can not connect to the Target anymore. No with Target Monitoring Tool, nor with DWLWin.
Last time, the problem was a too long rs232-cable, but now, i have no idea left…
How can i reflash the Q26 when DWLWin (after several “Starting up the target”-Try’s) tell me: “Boot failure: cannot connect with the target. Cannot boot up the remote target: giving up”. Wireless CPU AutoDedection don’t work eighter.