Compiler WP7702 error

Hi @jyijyi ,

Could you tell me how to let the update must be success ?

BTW I saw my console log

[   34.695984] cpu cpu0: dev_pm_opp_get_opp_count: device OPP not found (-19)
[   34.712181] msm_thermal:get_cpu_freq_plan_len Error reading CPU0 freq table len. error:-19

What’s happened about the log ?

Have you checked if ati8 is updated?

Hi @jyijyi ,


Yocto Ver:  SWI9X07Y_02.28.06.02 2023-05-12_00:00:35

I checked the time, but sometimes I didn’t see my update.

BTW, Do you know how to add recipes ?
Does it need to make clean then make ?

I saw the error log in R16

[   34.695984] cpu cpu0: dev_pm_opp_get_opp_count: device OPP not found (-19)
[   34.712181] msm_thermal:get_cpu_freq_plan_len Error reading CPU0 freq table len. error:-19

Do you know what is the error ?

i don’t know why it does not update sometimes, have you tried in fdt tool?

Anyway, seems it have been update now in ati8, you can start your testing

Here has an example to add helloworld application

Hi @jyijyi ,

I have a question about update-rc.d

I will get command not found about update-rc.d when I do install how can I solve it ?

I don’t know as I never update or work on this file.

Hi @jyijyi ,

I fixed the error

[   34.695984] cpu cpu0: dev_pm_opp_get_opp_count: device OPP not found (-19)
[   34.712181] msm_thermal:get_cpu_freq_plan_len Error reading CPU0 freq table len. error:-19

It should enable

# QCA9377 WiFi enablement.

# Common for QCA9377 BT & WiFi

# Keep this as "y". If these are defined as modules,
# number of errors will pop up before root file system
# is moulted. For example:
# cpr_regulator_probe: apc_corner: mem_acc intialization error rc=-517
# cpu cpu0: dev_pm_opp_get_opp_count: device OPP not found (-19)
# msm_thermal:get_cpu_freq_plan_len Error reading CPU0 freq table len. error:-19

Hi @jyijyi ,

I have a question about update yocto_wp76xx.4k.cwe

I can update success when I update from original to custom image, but I failed to update some files when I update from custom to custom image.
BTW the log message show PASS to update.

I always can update success when I update to R12 and do reset then update to original R16 and update custom R16 image.

How can I do it when I no need to update to R12 then update back to R16 → custom image?

when you say “I failed to update some files when I update from custom to custom image”, what files are you referring to?

is it something similar to this one?

does it help if you erase the userapp partition?

Hi @jyijyi ,

Yes, like this

My step is below:
Failed steps:

  1. update to R16 generic image.
  2. modify some init file in yocto source then compile.
  3. update to custom image. (This time will be success)
  4. modify some init file in yocto source then compile.
  5. update to custom image. (This time will be failed)

What does the userapp partition include (rootfs or other )?

useapp partition contains overlay legato system and some overlay init files

see the picture here as example :,-d-,3-components/#sthash.0iUTcYu5.dpbs

Hi @jyijyi ,

I think it no use for me, I update Linux distro.

then maybe you clear the useapp partition before the upgrade

Hi @jyijyi ,

Like this?

or other method ?

or you can delete just the init file like this:

Hi @jyijyi ,

You mean that I delete file which I want to update ?
I will try it first.

Hi @jyijyi ,

It no use for update when I delete the file then the file will disappear.

BTW the file path is in the /etc.

Can I erase mtd13 ?

which are you trying to modify?

Hi @jyijyi ,

I put this file into “/etc” by myself.

I also update legato.cwe, It always can be updated.

then how did you add the file in /etc/ inside the yocto image?