AT commands for TCP connection on WP7700

We are developing a product based on WP7700 (HL7800 is desired, because of its unavailability at the moment, WP7700 is used for initial prototype with a plan to move to HL7800 for production). Depending on our project requirements (specially low power requirement) we are using WP7700 just as a CAT-M1/NB-IoT module (by mapping AT services to UART1) rather than using WP7700 as an application processor. I was able to successfully do network and GPS operations over UART1. Now my question is how to establish a TCP client over the AT commands for WP7700. I could not find AT commands for managing TCP connections in WP700 AT commands document. Any thought on this?

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@jyijyi , do you have any advice to create a TCP connection for WP76xx devices via AT command? Any working example? I need to use AT commands already working to configure my device to the GPRS network and then connect to a server and send lots o data using TCP.

you can see here:

Here is an example to set up TCP connection:

There are some AT commands implemented there. Do you have any example that implements generic GPRS functions (CREG, CGMM, CMEE) to use as base for a new AT server implementation with new AT features?

did you try the application?
i remember it should be OK to respond to usual AT commands

Not yet… waiting my development board to arrive.
So, the stack AT operations are still working? Its not necessary to implement those?

you need to make some test first to see if it meets your requirement

Basically, I need to use the WP7609 module with the standard AT commands (referenced in the AirPrime WP76xx AT Command Reference). However, I am missing some commands related to TCP sockets, previously available in the HL family. I need to develop a firmware that encompasses all existing firmware plus those of TCP. Do you know if there is any example or somewhere I can use as a reference?

as said before, please try the application first