Android pie + WP76xx


I have followed the Android integration instructions + resolved the SELinux additional issues.

now I have services up and running, but still the unit does not register to a cellular operator, nor issues calles.

I am attaching several logs and appreciate any help regarding that

log for trying phone call

--------- beginning of system
07-10 15:58:13.545 3369 3385 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.CALL dat=tel:xxxxxxxxxx flg=0x10000000} from uid 0
--------- beginning of main
07-10 15:57:44.771 3233 3233 E /vendor/bin/hw/ /sys/block/mmcblk0/stat: ReadFileToString failed.
07-10 15:58:13.584 4526 4526 I Dialer : InCallActivity.onSaveInstanceState - enter
07-10 15:58:13.598 4526 4526 I Dialer : ProximitySensor.updateProximitySensorMode - screenOnImmediately: true, dialPadVisible: false, offHook: false, horizontal: false, uiShowing: false, audioRoute: SPEAKER
07-10 15:58:13.598 4526 4526 I Dialer : InCallActivity.showMainInCallFragment - not visible yet/anymore
07-10 15:58:13.616 5914 5914 I TelecomFramework: UserCallIntentProcessor: sendIntentToDestination: trampoline to Telecom.: UCA.oC@AAM
07-10 15:58:13.628 4526 4526 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.releaseInCallUiLock - releasing InCallUiLock[showErrorDialog]
07-10 15:58:13.628 4526 4526 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.releaseInCallUiLock - all locks released
07-10 15:58:13.628 4526 4526 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.releaseInCallUiLock - no more calls, finishing UI
07-10 15:58:13.628 4526 4526 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.attemptFinishActivity - Hide in call UI: true
07-10 15:58:13.629 3369 3369 I Telecom : CallIntentProcessor: onReceive - isUnknownCall: false: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.632 5914 5914 I TelecomFramework: UserCallActivity: onCreate done
07-10 15:58:13.647 4526 4526 I Dialer : InCallActivity.shouldCloseActivityOnFinish - allowing activity to be closed because it’s not visible
07-10 15:58:13.651 3369 3369 I Telecom : LogUtils: EventRecord added as Call: [TC@4, NEW, null, tel:, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.651 3369 3369 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4: CREATED, null: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.653 3369 3369 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4: SET_CONNECTING, ComponentInfo{}, , UserHandle{0}: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.659 3765 3802 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getIccId: No UICC
07-10 15:58:13.660 3369 3385 I ActivityManager: Activity reported stop, but no longer stopping: ActivityRecord{c210c82 u0 t133 f}
07-10 15:58:13.660 4526 4526 I Dialer : InCallFragment.onButtonGridCreated - InCallUiUnready
07-10 15:58:13.662 4526 4526 I Dialer : CallCardPresenter.onInCallScreenUnready
07-10 15:58:13.663 3369 3384 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
07-10 15:58:13.663 4526 4526 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.updateActivity - UI Destroyed
07-10 15:58:13.664 3369 3394 W libprocessgroup: kill(-4588, 9) failed: No such process
07-10 15:58:13.666 3369 3369 I Telecom : InCallController: onCallAdded: [TC@4, CONNECTING, null, tel:
, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]; not bound or connected.: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.667 3369 3369 I Telecom : InCallController: defaultDialer: null: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.667 3369 3369 I Telecom : InCallController: defaultDialer: null: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.668 3369 3369 I Telecom : CarSwappingInCallServiceConnection: carmodechange: false => false: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.669 3369 3369 I Telecom : EmergencyCallHelper: ShouldGrantTemporaryLocationPermission, disabled by config: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.669 3369 3369 I Telecom : EmergencyInCallServiceConnection: Attempting to bind to InCall [ComponentInfo{} supportsExternal? true supportsSelfMg?false], with Intent { act=android.telecom.InCallService (has extras) }: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.675 4526 4526 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.onCallListChange - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS → NO_CALLS
07-10 15:58:13.675 4526 4526 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.attemptCleanup - Cleaning up
07-10 15:58:13.677 3369 3815 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE=1201, arg1=0: PCR.oR->CARSM.pM_UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.677 3369 3815 I Telecom : QuiescentSpeakerRoute: Processing message UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE: PCR.oR->CARSM.pM_UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.677 3369 3819 I Telecom : CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message received: NEW_ACTIVE_OR_DIALING_CALL.: PCR.oR->CAMSM.pM_2001@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.677 3369 3819 I Telecom : CallAudioModeStateMachine: Audio focus entering SIM CALL state: PCR.oR->CAMSM.pM_2001@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.677 3369 3819 I MediaFocusControl: requestAudioFocus() from uid/pid 1000/3369 clientId=AudioFocus_For_Phone_Ring_And_Calls req=2 flags=0x4 sdk=0
07-10 15:58:13.678 3239 6937 D AudioFlinger: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 192 for frameCount 882
07-10 15:58:13.678 3223 3358 W audio_hw_primary: Entering IN_CALL state, in_call=0
07-10 15:58:13.678 3223 3358 W audio_hw_primary: no standby
07-10 15:58:13.678 3369 3369 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: WakeLock already released with id: 26: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.679 3369 3369 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController: Releasing full wake lock: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.679 3369 3369 I Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: updateHeadsetWithCallState numActive 0, numHeld 0, callState 2, ringing number , ringing type 128: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.679 3369 5933 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 882 → 882
07-10 15:58:13.680 3223 3336 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs: routing=2
07-10 15:58:13.680 3223 3336 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: exit: code(0)
07-10 15:58:13.680 3369 3369 I Telecom : BluetoothPhoneService: updateHeadsetWithCallState numActive 0, numHeld 0, callState 3, ringing number , ringing type 128: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.685 3223 3358 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: A2dpSuspended=true
07-10 15:58:13.685 3223 3358 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: exit with code(0)
07-10 15:58:13.688 3369 3369 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier: updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.698 3369 3369 I Telecom : NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster: Sending NewOutgoingCallBroadcast for [TC@4, CONNECTING, null, tel:
, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]] to UserHandle{0}: PCR.oR@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.700 3369 3815 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: SPEAKER, supportedRouteMask: SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null], supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: SPEAKER, supportedRouteMask: SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null], supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: PCR.oR->CARSM.pM_UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.703 3369 3369 I Telecom : TelecomSystem: CallerInfoAsyncQuery.startQuery number=
** cookie=PCR.oR->CILH.sL->CILH.sL@AGE: PCR.oR->CILH.sL@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.703 5914 5914 I rver.telecom:u: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 1404(145KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 1033KB/1545KB, paused 46us total 29.543ms
07-10 15:58:13.707 3369 3394 W libprocessgroup: kill(-4588, 9) failed: No such process
07-10 15:58:13.717 3765 3802 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getIccId: No UICC
07-10 15:58:13.718 5914 5914 I rver.telecom:u: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 117(35KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 1029KB/1541KB, paused 51us total 13.970ms
07-10 15:58:13.729 3369 3815 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: SWITCH_FOCUS=4001, arg1=2: PCR.oR->CAMSM.pM_2001->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_FOCUS@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.729 3369 3815 I Telecom : QuiescentSpeakerRoute: Processing message SWITCH_FOCUS: PCR.oR->CAMSM.pM_2001->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_FOCUS@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.730 3369 3815 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4: AUDIO_ROUTE, Leaving state QuiescentSpeakerRoute: PCR.oR->CAMSM.pM_2001->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_FOCUS@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.731 3369 3815 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4: AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state ActiveSpeakerRoute: PCR.oR->CAMSM.pM_2001->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_FOCUS@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.731 3369 3369 D MediaSessionService: Global priority session is updated, active=true
07-10 15:58:13.732 3553 3553 I NewAvrcpMediaPlayerList: onAddressedPlayerChanged:
07-10 15:58:13.733 3553 3553 W NewAvrcpMediaPlayerList: is already the active player
07-10 15:58:13.735 3241 3758 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: AppWindowToken{a9546ac token=Token{b886c5f ActivityRecord{76c9cfe u0 t134}}}#0
07-10 15:58:13.736 3369 3815 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4: AUDIO_ROUTE_SPEAKER, null: PCR.oR->CAMSM.pM_2001->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_FOCUS@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.736 3369 3815 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: turning speaker phone true: PCR.oR->CAMSM.pM_2001->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_FOCUS@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.744 4526 4526 I .android.diale: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 30557(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 3(124KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 3MB/7MB, paused 77us total 64.279ms
07-10 15:58:13.744 3167 3167 I Zygote : Process 4588 exited due to signal (9)
07-10 15:58:13.745 3369 3815 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: SPEAKER, supportedRouteMask: SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null], supportedBluetoothDevices: ] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: SPEAKER, supportedRouteMask: SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null], supportedBluetoothDevices: ]: PCR.oR->CAMSM.pM_2001->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_FOCUS@AGE
07-10 15:58:13.751 3369 3394 W libprocessgroup: kill(-4588, 9) failed: No such process
07-10 15:58:13.751 3369 3394 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10058 pid 4588 in 87ms