I’m new to ADL but have been an embedded C/C++ programmer for over 15 years.
I’ve found it really really hard to get started. I’ve looked at the tutorials I could find and at some of the sample code.
One thing I’ve really missed is a decent overview - the ADL manual contains lots of details but nothing that explained well to me how it all fits together.
Similarly with the WIP stuff - it took ages to work out how to get HTTP POST working properly in a multi-task environment.
I haven’t found anything yet that talks about “best practices” - with ADL & WIP that would be really helpful.
It would also be helpful to have better sample code - how about some “real” applications that contain things like reconnecting to the network, error handling, when/how to open/close connections properly.
I’ve found it so hard to write the s/w so far that I’m considering changing back to accessing the modem via AT commands from an external micro. That would make it easier for the rest of the team to work on the project (since the learning curve would be way shallower) and, I guess, also allow us to change modems more easily. The ADL stuff looked great from outside but… it’s just so cryptic and, in my view, documented in a way that makes it hard to learn.