About the EM7590 DM logger capture method

Hello, I would like to ask about the way to capture the DM Log of EM7590.
Does it look like QMI or MBPL? But I don’t see the relevant program in its resource page.
Please help to suggest

you might need to contact distributor to get a linux tool called “modem logger” for EM7590

Got it, I will contact the distributor to inquire about this tool, thank you !

According to my inquiry with our distributor, they suggested using the MBPL-Tool.
I have used the DM tool with the EM9191 in a previous project.
However, when using the EM9191, I had to enter the command “AT!CUSTOM=“QXDMLOGENABLE”,1” in the Terminal.
But I noticed that the EM7590 does not have this command. Would this be a problem?

Or should I actually use the Modem logger that you mentioned for the EM7590?

I don’t see the MBPL is including EM7590:

you can give a try and see what happens