my suggestion is to after you submit the message to send using AT commands check for the response
OK or Error message from modem. also at+cmgs gives you receipt number.
intraduce some handshaking or query the receive buffer.
I have seen your code. My suggestion is to use events like on serialport in vb6, we have a event in .net 2.0
try using system.io
you will find the event.
there you can handle, no need to write delays and all.
Hello Shivaprasad.I see what you are meaning.I checked events of the serialport.Only events about reception are availabe.But my problem about reception is when some body sends a non ascii caracter( for exemple é , à,ù).The caracter is replaced by ‘?’ or someting else.
About sending,can you sugest something?
Waasiri,I think you have a good Idea about my problem on sending.But How can I read the results of an AT command?
Thanks to you all.I am happy to meet persons who undestand what I am asking .