I’m using the GL6100 for voice communications and am wondering what other folks using this device are planning for when the 2G networks are shut down? To my knowledge AT&T and T-Mobile are both converting their 2G networks to higher speeds over the next year or two which will leave no 2G networks available. AT&T is already telling me that the device is not compatible with their network and won’t sell a SIM card for it. Is there a different device that would be compatible with my GL6100 code?
How about the FX100
sierrawireless.com/productsa … eries.aspx
The GL series use the WMP100 - but the thing with Open-AT is that it substantially isolates you from hardware specifics.
Maestro also make 3G modems based on SiWi modules with Open-AT:
They may be shooting themselves in their feet:
The FX100 might just work. I looked at the FX series webpage and it only says EDGE so I didn’t look any further. I’ll have to take a closer look at that one. Thanks.