Fastrak Supreme 10 - Upgrade Firmware to R7-43


I need know how i can upgrade the firmware, i try using hyperterminal send the at command at+wdwl and send file (R7-43-0-201003261552-cus-q26-02.wpk) and i get message error “error in header”.

I try with DWLWin V. but i get message error “Boot failure: cannot connect with the target, Cannot boot up the remote target: giving up”.

I try with Developer Studio but i get the same error “error in header”

Please help…


From where you got these firmware binary and tools?
Have you got the assoicated user guide or upgrade procedure? I highly recommand you to obtain one and read it, miss-use the tool may brick your modem…

AT+WDWL requires .DWL file format, not .WPK file.

DWLWin use .WPK file, but to allow it to detect the your fastrack correctly, you have to send the BOOT signal.
This should mentioned in upgrade guide or the product spec doc.
Can you check with FAE or distributor from where you obtained those software and tools?



I get firmware and tools from … preme.aspx

Please you can explain how i can send the BOOT signal?


You will need to Make or otherwise obtain an appropriate programming cable.

I can’t find my previous post to reference, but here’s the instructions again:

and then here: for notes on the procedure to upgrade your firmware.

Hope this helps.

ciao, Dave

hey david,

its very complicated not anymore easier? only via software?


Yes, you can do it through Development studio (at least V 2.1). To do it this way, you NEED the .dwl file (which should be included with Dev Studio). You may also need previous versions of Dev Studio to install previous versions of firmware…

I think there’s an option on the status tab of the target manager to upload the firmware… but I tend to use DWLWin (because it’s what I’ve always used).

ciao, Dave

If you feel it’s beyond your capabilities, then you should get your Distributor to do it for you…