While using WS6318 module I noticed that it can all of a sudden change the UART frame of its answers.
By default the frame is (can’t be changed):
8 data bits
1 stop bit
The frame change to:
8 data bits
2 stop bits
The connection circuit is as follows:
MCU <— SPI —> MAX14830 <— UART —> WS6318
(MAX14830 is SPI/UART convert.)
Emergency reset and switch off don’t work at all because WS6318 continues respond wrongly (wrong frames).
Reloading the software on MCU helps but it is not suitable in a project.
In AirPrime_WS6318_FW_L30_AT Commands Interface User Guide_Rev6.0.pdf there is +ICF TE-TA Character Framing AT command. It is also said that this command is supported for compatibility purpose and has no effect on ME.
The questions are as follows: What should I do to eliminate this problem?
Did I get it right that this bug is not solved in Firmware L31?
I was in the debug mode testing the controller software using debug adapter.
So I restarted the program again and again. After the N-start I noticed that the program didn’t understand what WS6318 module responding.
2) is it with this module only or some other WS6318 modules also?
I noticed this only with one WS6318 module only.
3) How are you monitoring the change of UART framing?
I used the oscilloscope to see the real respond on WS6318 Tx pin. I saw that the UART framing had been changed in a way I wrote above.
4) The exact use-case.
What do you mean? I use the WS6318-module to send data on UDP protocol and receive AT commands responses from it. Did you mean this?