WS6318 can change UART framing

Good day everyone!

While using WS6318 module I noticed that it can all of a sudden change the UART frame of its answers.

By default the frame is (can’t be changed):

  • 8 data bits
  • 1 stop bit

The frame change to:

  • 8 data bits
  • 2 stop bits

The connection circuit is as follows:
MCU <— SPI —> MAX14830 <— UART —> WS6318
(MAX14830 is SPI/UART convert.)

Emergency reset and switch off don’t work at all because WS6318 continues respond wrongly (wrong frames).
Reloading the software on MCU helps but it is not suitable in a project.

In AirPrime_WS6318_FW_L30_AT Commands Interface User Guide_Rev6.0.pdf there is +ICF TE-TA Character Framing AT command. It is also said that this command is supported for compatibility purpose and has no effect on ME.

The questions are as follows: What should I do to eliminate this problem?
Did I get it right that this bug is not solved in Firmware L31?

Thank you!

Best regards,


Could you please provide more information on :

  1. when is the change happening?
  2. is it with this module only or some other WS6318 modules also?
  3. How are you monitoring the change of UART framing?
  4. The exact use-case.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Good day,

1) when is the change happening?

I was in the debug mode testing the controller software using debug adapter.
So I restarted the program again and again. After the N-start I noticed that the program didn’t understand what WS6318 module responding.

2) is it with this module only or some other WS6318 modules also?

I noticed this only with one WS6318 module only.

3) How are you monitoring the change of UART framing?

I used the oscilloscope to see the real respond on WS6318 Tx pin. I saw that the UART framing had been changed in a way I wrote above.

4) The exact use-case.

What do you mean? I use the WS6318-module to send data on UDP protocol and receive AT commands responses from it. Did you mean this?

Thank you.

Best regards,