WP7607 Android 9 RIL SETUP_DATA_CALL fails (QMI, USB OTG)

Hi Donald,
I find in one the document we can integrate wp7607 module on android 10. Recently i got a reply from one of the community member that android RIL is not supported for wp7607 module but here @sMichi is able to integrate wp7607 module. May i know the correct information about integration of wp7607 module on android.
[WP7607 integration in Android11](Hi Donald, I find in one the document we can integrate wp7607 module on android 10. Recently i got a reply from one of the community member that android RIL is not supported for wp7607 module but here @sMichi is able to integrate wp7607 module. May i know the correct information about integration of wp7607 module on android. WP7607 integration in Android11)

Please let me know

Thanks & Regards