I have a Wismo 228 with version L10-00g.WISMO228. Modem is attaching to cellular network and an IP number is generated using the command
AT+CGACT. I am trying to use AT WIP commands and they all return ERROR as result. I am trying to open a socket connection to a server, but
I don’t seem to find the way to do it without the WIP commands.
Can this AT WIP commands be activated by another AT command? Do I have to update Wismo’s firmware? If that’s so, anyone would care to
explain how?..and where I can obtain the firwmare.
I got the same problem as you did. Did you resolve the problem of not able to configure the TCP/IP feature onto the Wismo228 modem? If you did, please help me to overcome that.
Thank you in advance,
I think you didn’t need sent the at+cgact command to get the gprs IP addresss. you need use the WIP command to connect the server. for TCP client example, the AT command serial is as below: