Strange. I see
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sierra Wireless Inc\DriverInstallOptionsUsed]
in that file. Did you not set this option for this install?
In any case, I believe those settings are exactly what the section name suggests: Simply the settings used by the installer. The registry settings used by the installed applications and drivers are spread over per-application sections. When I tested this on Wine, I also got a setting like this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sierra Wireless Inc\SwiService\UsbComposition]
which I believe is what should make SwiService run without updating the UsbComposition. The odd thing is that I don’t see any UsbComposition section at all under SwiService in your registry dump. Have no idea why. Maybe it’s hidden somewhere else, or maybe something went wrong.Or maybe I’m just completely wrong on all of this. That’s definitely possible… I’m unable to test this on a real Windows install with an actual modem.