power cycling the modem then allows it to process a few more then it stops again
The current setup is 9600,8,N.1 no flow control, I did read somewhere that the wavecom modem supports auto baud, but I’m not sure if that is set, Or should it be set but to a higher baud rate than being used ?
Auto baud is not recommended as it can be unreliable in operation, I would generically recommend hard setting the unit to 115200bps and not 9600. Re ‘ActiveSMS’ is this a PC package/tool you are using?
Key point, as with all modems is that you need to wait for the response to the previous command before trying to execute the next one, especially in older modems as the firmware might not have been particularily robust.
Do you mean what is the command to set he baud rate? If so then it is at+ipr=115200 as normal 3GPP specifications/all of the old and new units. You might need to send at&w afterwards as I do not know if this is automatically saved in flash.
Hi Matt
Thanks for suppling the command, I have now set the baud to 115200, , Just have to wait and see how long it is be for it stops responding if it stops responding now
This is very Strange, it looks like the modem keeps reverting the settings to default, even though I have set the baud
rate, is there a command to stop this from happening ?
So at&w should do it if it is not done automatically but if you end up sending at&f it will set it back. The unit is extremely old so difficult to predict (from a documentation/testing it point of view, it will behave consistently).