WAP AT commands

Hi all!

Can anybody explain how to use WAP at commands. I can’t find any example.


OPENAT V3.01 provided APIs for WAP service. Please refer to V301\Samples\adl\Wap for the sample application. But the WAP service is no more supported in OPENAT v3.02.

I don’t use WAP any more, below are some notes I took before.

[color=blue]1. Create WAP Data account
$1. at+wwapd=5, #Create GPRS data account
$2. at+wwapd=0,,0,“Celcom GPRS WAP” #set data account name
$3. at+wwapd=0,,1,"" #set empty username
$4. at+wwapd=0,,2,"" #set empty password
$5. at+wwapd=0,,3,“celcom” #set APN name
$6. at+wwapd=0,,4,"" #set empty local address

[color=blue]2. Create Wap Gateway
$1. at+wwapg=3,“celcomwapgw” #Create gateway with name.
+WWAPG: #Return id for future use.
$2. at+wwapg=0,,1,“” #Set IP address
$3. at+wwapg=0,,2,2 #Set to Connect Oritented?
$4. at+wwapg=0,,3,0 #Set to Normal security

[color=blue]3. Create Wap Profile Settings
$1. at+wwapp=3,“myprofile” #Create new profile
+WWAPP: #Return id for future use.
$2. at+wwapp=0,,1,“google” #Set homepage name
$3. at+wwapp=0,,2,“http://www.google.com#Set homepage URL
$4. at+wwapp=5, #Set as current profile

[color=blue]4. Set General Settings
at+wwaps=0,0,0 #GPRS prefered

5.Associate gateway with Accounts and Profiles
at+wlnk=1,0,, #associate account to gateway
at+wlnk=1,1,, #associate gateway to profile

[color=blue]6. HTTP Request with AT+WHTTPR

On my Q2406B AT+WWAPD?, AT+WWAPD=?, AT+WWAPD=2, AT+WWAPD=3 all return ERROR. So I guess I have OPENAT V3.02 :frowning:

Anyway, tnx for info!


Hi Mario,

You can easily check the version number with AT+WOPEN=2. I am not 100% sure, but I think on OpenAT 3.01 the feature still had to be enabled by Wavecom or the distributor… If you do have 3.01, the error may occur because the feature isn’t enabled.

Best Regards,

i want to know how can i send data to a phone over wap and gprs