Voice call(Audio)Data Over USB

currently i am using sierra MC 8090 Modem.the modem is conncted to system over USB,I am trying to capture Audio(voice call) data over USB…
ANY idea on doing the same

same as [url]https://forum.sierrawireless.com/t/voice-call-audio-data-over-usb/7268/1]

Both the posts are added by me only but no reply
do you have any idea on doing the same?

Hi sarang,

Please avoid cross/double post.

I added comment on [url]Voice Call(Audio)data over USB], please check.

For info, MC8090 does not support OpenAT framework, so, “Board index > AirPrime embedded wireless modules > MC Series” is the right place for discussion.


thank you for the reply.
Yes sure I will take care of the same.