Using Custom DNS IP address with RC7620 or RC7620-1

Hello Community,

I need some help in understanding whether it is possible to configure the RC7620 or RC7620-1 modem to use a custom DNS IP address instead of the one that is allocated dynamically. So far I have tried the following GPRS connection configurations and they all result in the error +CME ERROR: 932 which means the format of a parameter is invalid:

I made sure to observe the following rules:
an active PDP context must have include the following +KCNXCFG configurations:
· must be consistent with +CGDCONT <PDP_type>, and
· must be identical to +CGDCONT or must be set to the empty

If I use the following configuration without specifying the DNS IP, I get no error:

this issue has been reported internally.

you can contact distributor to track the progress.

Please note that static DNS configuration is not supported, that is why you cannot set customer DNS IP address