I have problem with firmware updating in WISMO228.
I use ADWL-Light Downloader ( and want to change firmware from “B11e01gg 031109” to “L22_00gg 281210” version.
Error is detected during firmware downloading or more exactly during flash erase.
Could you help me to decide this problem?
I can update to L22_00gg 281210, the tools said that: download done, UART Closed.
But module not work, Do I have to any setting or do anything? any ideas?
Please confirmed which is baudrate of WISMO228 L22_00gg 281210.cla? 9600 correct?
After update, GSM not answeer any cmd.
Have you got GSM firmware using 9600?
In my opinion updating WISMO228 firmware doesn’t change baudrate settings. It doesn’t exist different WISMO228 firmwares with different baudrates.
What baudrate had module before updating? Did it work?
Would any be able to send me a copy of the ADWL updater, I’m having similar problems and our supplier cannot help. I find it unusual that there is no way to obtain this via the SiWi web site, as I need it urgently and repeated suggestions to contact out suppiler are of no use.