is it possible to upgrade the firmware of 4 5G modules at the same time?
[Problems updating EM7411 firmware with multiple modules attached by USB] didn’t work for me. I wonder how i specify more than one usb port.
Thank you very much
is it possible to upgrade the firmware of 4 5G modules at the same time?
[Problems updating EM7411 firmware with multiple modules attached by USB] didn’t work for me. I wonder how i specify more than one usb port.
Thank you very much
So I have not tried it with the EM9 but the FDT tool should work the same across all of the units. I have attached the command lines I used to run multiple instances (it has been a while).
Multipe running.txt (184 Bytes)
thanks for your response!
I tried that but i get the error code No MBN adapter available. I used your commands without specifiying the usbhub? How do I specify that? The usbport is the COMport in the device manager right?
Thanks and kind regards!
So you need to go into device manager and under the Universal Serial Bus controllers when a unit enumerates on the USB hub it will show up here as a USB composite device, if you double click on it the properties will come up , under Location there will be a Port and Hub i.e. Port_#0007.Hub_#0001. This will locate the physical USB address which you are restricting the instance of FDT to so there is no searching or auto selection, it looks at that one physical USB port and that’s it.
Thank you very much!!!
It worked