Unsolicited Response for AT+CGDATA and AT+WIPFILE commands

When I issue “AT+CGDATA=1”, I get “CONNECT 115200”, followed by about 15 seconds of garbage, and then “NO CARRIER”. What is the garbage data? It somehow causes my serial port to stop receiving data, but only if I am running Windows CE 5.0. Under Windows XP, it works fine. The command and result code look like this:


CONNECT 115200
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I have a similar problem with AT+WIPFILE. I get an unsolicited “CONNECT” result code, followed by the contents of the file, “This is a text file.”, followed by some garbage, and then “OK”. It looks like this:


This is a text file.
press [Enter] to end

Unders Windows CE 5.0, my serial port stops receiving data after the last double-quote mark. Any idea what is going on?



All I was trying to do was put the modem in data mode so that I could do FTP. I worked around this by using “atd99**#” instead of “at+cgdata=1”. This gave me back a single, solicited “OK” response code, and I was able to start the IP stack, open the GPRS bearer, set the APN name, start the GPRS bear, create the FTP socket, and download my file. The [ETX] after the file transfer appears to be the thing that is causing my problem, but I think I can work around that.