Unable to login to root

I am trying to connect gateway WP7702 using putty. but it shows "No supported authentication methods available(Server sent:publickey).

i have tried with winscp also showing same error. how to resolve it.

you can downgrade to R11 and do factory reset by swiflash:


can you explain little deeper. is that i have to downgrade firmware to wp77xx_release11_generic_GCF, and Send command swiflash -r ?

are you going to erase the userapp partition and back to default mode?

For the usage of swiflash, you can see the detail here:

i have wp7702 device and i unable to connect it either by putty and winscp.
when i enter root as user name and enter it showing as, "No supported authentication methods available(Server sent:publickey).

are you going to erase the userapp partition and back to default mode?

yes. so that i can load my .update once i got login access

are you able to downgrade to R11?

i have updated it to version 11 just now

i able to do update by swiflash

then are you able to run “swiflash -m wp77xx -r” to erase userapp partition?

I tried swiflash -r, FDT logs showing success.

then are you able to log in now?

still it saying same error,

is your putty OK to connect with other OK module?

does it work in tera term?

you might also see here:

ya, putty is fine with other gateway.

does it work in tera term?
does it work in linux terminal with “ssh root@”?

i will check this once and update it.

Linux machine showing that,
root@ : permission denied(publickey)

i wonder if you really do a factory reset successfully…

Do you have UART console?
you can see here to use flash_eraseall command: