Timer problem


In my project, we cerate three tasks as follow:

const adl_InitTasks_t adl_InitTasks [] =

	{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }

In IEC62056 task, I subscribed a timer as in the following code but timer doesn’t expire.
After debugging, I found that timer not work because it subscribed from stopped context
because adl_eventWait stops IEC62056 context.
Question is “how can I use timer inside tasks?”

void tmr_handler( u8 ID, void * Context ) {

void IEC62056_task(void)
	u32 IEC62056_events;
	s32 ret;


	adl_tmrSubscribe( TRUE, 100, ADL_TMR_TYPE_100MS,tmr_handler);
	IEC62056_event_hdl = adl_eventCreate(0);

			 wip_debug("wrong event");


Which Open AT OS version are you using?

My OS version is R74_00-cus-q26-01

This is the Firmware version 7.4. I mean the OS version, it should be 6.something

If you are not sure get your modem information in the target tab of the M2M studio.

OS version 6.30

First: I think you should upgrade to verion 6.34.
It’s better in handling tasks. Also older versions don’t support tasks initialization table (not sure about 6.30)

Second: using infinite loops inside tasks is highly not recommended. Why do you need a for(;:wink: when you have a timer subscribed?!!
move your code to the timer subroutine

This is a quote from the ADL User Guide for Open AT® OS 6.34 P30:

Event-Driven Programming paper

In event driven, as I think,when call back rises, you should rise events to responsible task and return and you shouldn’t stay long time inside call backs.
also if I do all my code event driven, then I don’t need the ability to cerate many tasks. I need only one task to do initialization and the wait events.(then why firmware give us the ability to cerate many tasks).
so I don’t accept with you.

I didn’t find version6.34. please tell me any link for it.
did you know if this version handle the call backs in new context or not?

As I told you above, it isn’t correct to handle all your work inside call backs.
this part of ADL user guide, that you attached , talks about the highest priority task only which run in context 0.
where context 0 is responsible to handle subscription call backs.

No that’s not true. event handlers are not like normal ISRs you use in sequential code or normal RTOSs. To make things easier you can treat event handler as a blocked task waiting for certain event(s). Please read the Event-Driven Programming paper carefully for further understanding of the differences. I know it is not easy to switch to event-driven programming.

Download the last version of Sierra_Wireless_Software_Suite and you’ll find it inside.

From where did you get this information?