I’m experiencing issues to read modbus registers.
I followed this tutorial : Modbus Guides
but after configuring my bus, I try to verify ressources but I only have the /modbus/config ressource.
When I check the server log, nothing happens so I’m sure the edge device is not requesting any registers.
Can you help me ?
here is the config generated via web interface:
"buses": [
"config": [
"groups": [
"address": 0,
"name": "test1",
"number": 12,
"type": "HLD"
"period": 10,
"slaves": [
"address": 2,
"name": "slave_nb_2"
"ethname": "eth0",
"ipaddr": "",
"ipport": 502,
"name": "TCP"
I also have /ethernet/config:
"devs": [
"ip": "",
"name": "eth0",
"netmask": 24
but if i connect to the fx30 and type ifconfig I see instead of I cannot ping my server as the device is not in the same network.
Hi Benoit, when you run the terminal session to connect to the FX30 what IP are you connecting to? I’m trying to get a base line of the subnets of your network. As an example I only connect to my FX30 with a usb cable that under device manager creates a virtual ethernet connection and I can connect to the FX30 address of
When I run my ifconfig from my putty session I see this adapter and then I see my eth0 adapter which I configure for my modbus tcp.
Note, the ethernet config only has a subnet config not a gateway config, so if your using a managed network with layer 3 switches and vlans, you may be seeing issues because your not getting to your default gateway to route the messages across the different subnets.
Also my first attempts at configuring the Modbus services left me confused on where I was setting my local ethernet vs the Modbus slave but got it worked out. I ran into issues and had to flush the iptables (got the pointer from Sierra Tech Support) to get my connection to work.
Thanks for your answer.
When I ifconfig from putty, I got which is completely unknown network (I never worked in that range). So I changed manually the /etc/network/interface file to a convenient IP and can now ping my modbus server from the FX30 cmd line.
But the fx30 doesn’t poll the server. and I cannot execute any test request as the ressources are not present on the FX30.
Under /modbus, I only have the config part as shown in my previous post, I don’t see this kind of ressource : /modbus/bus1/server1/request/send
Empty the /io/ethernet/config and /modbus/config Resources in the Resources UI (or click on revert to Blueprint value). An apply that change in order to
while in SSH on the device:
cd /legato/systems/current/appsWriteable/cloudInterface/config
if possible, recover any .json file (you should have config.json) for us to analyze later on
I deleted my io and modbus config using the blueprint.
Then I checked the /lecato…/cloudInterface/config folder that was almost empty (no .json file, only a link named placeholder).
then I reconfigured via octave web interface and rebooted.
rechecked the web interface and the directory: same situation, no /modbus/bus1 ressource and no json in the cloudinterface/config dir.