To open up my Eclipse, I would need the arm compiler. I can’t find the arm compiler in my SDK.
In the manual, it says "ADS/RVDS compiler path:
This path is the currently used ARM ADS/RVDS compiler version location. This path has to be set by the user once he has installed the ARM compiler on his computer."
I can’t find it in my computer.
Was it integrated in the SDK and if yes, where can I download it? I am using WAVECOM FASTRACK SUPREME.
hi to all,
I am using Q2686 as my target in M2M .i have build this application there is no error, in [Target]_ARM_ELF_GCC_Debug there is .dwl file in it. now i want to ask if i Download(.dwl) the application in this mode .
is it lies permanently in Q2686 .
If you think about it, it would entirely defeat the object of Open-AT if this were not the case!
However, it is not explicitly stated in the AT+WDWL documentation; and neither is the fact that you then have to use AT+WOPEN=1 to actually start the application…