I use the adl_smsSubscribe() function to subscribe to the SMS service for sending/receiving SMS (Open AT library version 6.32) and I have encountered a problem…
Everything seems to be working fine when application starts but after a while (may be hours or days) my incoming SMS handler stops being called when an incoming SMS arrives. From that point on, all incoming SMS are stored in the SIM card instead!
My handler always returns FALSE so that incoming SMS will NOT be stored to SIM card (incoming SMS are only to be processed by the handler).
I tried to unsubscribe from the SMS service (when the problem appeared) and subscribe again just to see if the problem is solved but nothing happened. Outgoing SMS are still being dispatched with no problem.
My embedded application handles incoming calls as well by subscribing to “RING”, “+CLIP” and “NO CARRIER” unsolicited modem responses through adl_atUnSoSubscribe() function. When the problem mentioned above occurred I issued a call to the modem but the “RING” unsolicited response was forwarded to the external serial port (I was able to see it with HyperTerminal) instead of being forwarded to the embedded application as expected. Incoming call handler also returns FALSE in any case.
After a restart everything is working as expected. Incoming SMS are being handled by the incoming SMS handler and incoming calls are being detected by the embedded application (no “RING” message appears on external serial port as it is directed to the embedded application).
Has anybody faced a similar problem before? Any ideas what can bring the modem to such a state?
Thanks in advance for your time and interest…