After having downloaded my own custom OpenAT program to the chip, it seems the SL8082T (in a Maestro Wireless M100 3G device) is blocked on a semaphore (error in the code). I cannot connect to the device through the serial port /dev/ttyS0. I get no response. Unplugging and replugging the device seems not to help.
Is there a procedure to reinitialize totally the chip ?
No DWLWin is not compatible with your unit, this is only for the old 2G ST based units.
You need to contact your distributor as there is a program around I think that can stop the application running by putting it into boot mode on power up through the USB.
I managed to resolve this problem. The AT command would not respond to commands like AT+WOPEN=0. But I found that the command AT+WDWL would be the only one to actually work. I sent the bootloader and firmware through XMODEM-K1 The device is now functional again.