Sierra MC8775 Generic firmware and reflash

Hello. I bought this device on aliexpress for my laptop, but it locked to at&t.
AT&T support said, that they can’t help me unlock my device, because it isn’t supported anymore. Then I ask HP support and got same answer. After time and digging on forums I found advice, that generic firmware can negate any carrier locked firmware. I came here and didn’t found any tracks of MC8775 firmwares. Dear community, help me resolve my issue.
Also I have another question, mep-unlock code can be entered as at+clck=“PN”,0,xxxxxxxx command, where xxxxxxxx is eight-digit code, so, the question is: does MC8775 count failed attempts or no?

Hi tuulemahan,

I would like to say that MC8775 is on end-of-life, so there is no longer firmware on source page even on Airvantage . Could you please switch to another MC product for better support in future?


Hello. No, I couldn’t switch to another MC product except MC8775v, because of laptop bios whitelist. And I can’t use CDMA modems, there are no CDMA here.

Successfully unlocked on firmware.