Serial DB9 Port usage

Hi everyone! We are shifting from RavenXEs to LS300s and have a question about what we can do with the serial connector. The “AirLink gateways and routers” forum is locked, so I hope I’m in the right place?

We operate geophysics sites worldwide. Using the I/O relay from the AceManager allows us to cycle power to our instrument, and that is very cool. We already access the LS300 through telnet on the LAN connector, so our control and reporting capability is well in hand. What we want to do now is to connect the serial port of our embedded ARM controller to the serial port of the LS300 and relay all boot up traffic, serial port, etc. of the ARM through the LS300 and UDP packets back to our data center in California. Is this possible? Do we:

A) Make settings in the AceManager?
B) Write a custom app?
C) Punt?

Being able to conduct a login session with our device during boot up would be the ultimate, but one step at a time!

Any ideas?




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