RV50/55X Firmware update hangs

I am attempted to update the firm ware on two different routers remotely. The 1st one is: |ALEOS Software Version:|4.13.0|ALEOS Build number:|017|
| — | — | — | — |
|Device Model:|RV50X|
|Radio Module Type:|MC7455|Radio Module Identifier:|VERIZON|
|Radio Firmware Version: SWI9X30C_02.30.01.01 r7792 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2018/07/13 02:24:52|
The 2nd one is: I see it finally did update I left it running all night long. |ALEOS Software Version:|4.16.0|ALEOS Build number:|021|
| — | — | — | — |
|Device Model:|RV50X|
|Radio Module Type:|MC7455|Radio Module Identifier:|VERIZON|
|Radio Firmware Version: SWI9X30C_02.30.01.01 r7792 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2018/07/13 02:24:52|
They will either get to uploading, or applying then hang, and timeout within 15 to 30 minutes. The modem never appears to be offline as we are still able to grab images from the site. Any ideas on the first one. Thank you

Hi @dolheiser,

Welcome to our community!

  1. Are you attempting to update the ALEOS firmware for the RV50X via AirVantage? Please share the system URL link on AirVantage with me.
  2. Which firmware version did you update those two routers to?
  3. From your description, I understand that the second router has been successfully updated, but the first router is still experiencing issues (hanging) and cannot be updated. Is that correct?

Please note: Upgrading from ALEOS 4.15.x and earlier releases to 4.17.1 is not directly supported. AirLink RV50X routers must first be upgraded to ALEOS 4.16.0 (see RV50 Firmware List 4.16.0) before upgrading to ALEOS 4.17.1.


I am attempting to update it over the air. I am at Version 4.13.0 and am attempting to go to ALEOS 4.16.0.

The device at this IP was successful after many attempts over multiple months.

I did attempt to go to Version ALEOS 4.17.1. with this router but was having the same results.

The device at this IP has still not update to ALEOS 4.16.0.

They will generally get to the applying stage and hang there sometimes it will go for hours then kick me out, other times after about 5 to 10 minutes it kicks me out of the router.

I then need to wait about 5 or 10 minutes to get back to the login page.

I have been working on this on and off since September with the same results.

Hi @dolheiser,

When at the Applying stage, do you notice any prompts to update radio module firmware? If you receive a prompt, please proceed with updating the radio module firmware. Semtech recommends that you do NOT skip the radio module firmware update.
For more details, please refer to the Update the ALEOS Software and Radio Module Firmware section on page 27 of the ALEOS 4.17.1 Software Configuration User Guide for AirLink RV50X at the following link:


It did not really say to update the radio firmware, but the software/firmware update page does not load completely either. I updated the radio firmware also but i am unable to access the modem. This has happened before most every time and it takes from 10 to 30 minutes or longer to get the login page to open again. I know the modem is still working as I can access the cameras connected to it.

Updating the radio firmware to allow it to update the firmware. I did not notice it was asking to update the radio firmware as the update page was not loading completely.

Thank you for your assistance.