I’m using the FXT009 with the Rs485 expansion card(fw 7.46).
I’m trying to set up a Rs485 connection via FCM and UART2.
I get a connection with FCM and I can send data, but it seems that the data received on the other end isn’t what I’ve send.
The settings in the documentation tells this:
Max. Baud rate: 115200bps
Character framing: 8 data bits
Parity: 1 stop bit and Odd parity
Flow control: no flow control
The settings for the external device should be:
Baud rate 19200
Character framing: 8 data bits
Parity: 1 stop bit and No parity
My question is should I put the settings of my external device in my code? Or the given settings from the documentation?
My code for the setting:
adl_atCmdCreate("AT+WIOM=1,\"GPIO20\",1,1", UART_2,EvhRspUartx,"*",NULL);
adl_atCmdCreate("AT+WIOM=4", UART_2,EvhRspUartx,"*",NULL);
adl_atCmdCreate("AT+ICF=3,4", UART_2,EvhRspUartx,"*",NULL); // 3 =8data 1stop.. 0 = odd 4=none
adl_atCmdCreate("AT+IPR=19200", UART_2,EvhRspUartx,"*",NULL);
adl_atCmdCreate("AT&W", UART_2,EvhRspUartx,"*",NULL);
Sending ‘0x02’ seems to give ‘63 0’, while dump just says ‘02’
The documentation also tells something about the AT+BRIDGE command, but this gives an error.
Thnx in advance for your help