I was trying to set Baud rate 4800 to my UART2 using this code:
adl_atCmdCreate("AT+IPR=9600", ADL_FCM_FLOW_V24_UART2, fnBCN13A_UART2HandlerIPR, "*", NULL );
And after i get “OK”, i used AT+IPR? and get this response AT+IPR=0 , my command didn’t work. So i tried diferent:
adl_atCmdCreate("AT+IPR=9600", ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE(ADL_PORT_UART2, TRUE), fnBCN13A_UART2HandlerIPR, "*", NULL );
And worked, after my AT+IPR? i got AT+IPR=9600. Does anybody know why it worked on second option and not in first ?
Best Regards