I’m assuming I will have to use AT+CSIM or AT+CRSM but I have no idea what command / fileid I should use. The link mentioned on the thread above (member.openmobilealliance.org/ft … 0728-A.zip) gives me nothing. Any thoughts?
Yes, that’s an assumption I’ve done. For now, that assumption is good enough. If the details aren’t there, I will have to deal with it then.
I wish to retreieve this information in code so I can connect my device without preconfiguring it. We have a lot of devices so doing this automatic retreieval would save us a lot of time. The devices doesn’t necessarily have SIM cards from the same provider. The OMA document I linked above suggests this information COULD be available on the SIM cards. I wish to try on a few of the SIM cards to then make an automated process (if I find that the information is actually there).
Any other provider independent way that I can receive APN settings automatically is also of interest if anyone has any pointers.
Even a way that works for most or just many operators would be cool!