Restart of the module SL6087 issue

Hi all!
My SL6087 periodically restarted. Occurs about once every half hour
Backtrace shows the following picture:

Composition of the components of the module is as follows:

“DWL”,“V08b13”,"",“Sierra Wireless”,55344,“111611 18:03”,“dda36757”,“00010000”
“FW”,“FW_SRC_747_8.SL6087G”,“R7.47.0.201202010317.SL6087”,“Sierra Wireless”,2221420,“020112 03:17”,“31be8644”,“00020000”
“OAT”,“0.0.9”,“CobraEraGlonass”,“Itelma”,216000,“111212 23:21”,“b28dfabf”,“00260000”
-“Developer Studio”,“”
-“Open AT Framework package”,“”
-“Open AT OS Package”,“”
-“Firmware Package”,“”
-“Internet Library Package”,“”
-“Security Plug-in Package”,“”
-“eCall-InBandModem Plug-in Package”,“”

Any Suggestions please!

Thanking in anticipation…

Your application is writing to undeclared memory. Check all your loops to make sure you aren’t writing to a memory location that don’t have access to. It is happening in task 12.

Unexpected continuation.
I stopped my application and restart the module continued.
The only thing that has changed is their frequency. I waited for about 2 hours that he will reboot again.

What this could be the reason?

And in my application there is no task with the number 12. I have only 6 task.