I have a lot of RC7620 who don’t start anymore due to some power failure in our system.
I have try to update with mangoH Yellow and i have this:
FDT version: 2.1.2303.0
Awaiting adapter …
Firmware download failed
Primary error code: 14 - No MBN adapter available.
And this with minicom:
Format: Log Type - Time(microsec) - Message - Optional Info
Log Type: B - Since Boot(Power On Reset), D - Delta, S - Statistic
S - OEM_IMAGE_VERSION_STRING=SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00 85890e jenkins 2023/09/25 04
S - Boot Config, 0x000002e1
B - 1216 - PBL, Start
B - 3723 - bootable_media_detect_entry, Start
B - 4375 - bootable_media_detect_success, Start
B - 4379 - elf_loader_entry, Start
B - 6530 - auth_hash_seg_entry, Start
B - 30537 - auth_hash_seg_exit, Start
B - 81890 - elf_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start
B - 129910 - PBL, End
B - 129926 - SBL1, Start (MPM timestamp = 138317)
B - 194223 - pm_device_init, Start
B - 214640 - PM_SET_VAL:Skip
D - 18617 - pm_device_init, Delta
B - 215986 - boot_config_data_table_init, Start
D - 6 - boot_config_data_table_init, Delta - (0 Bytes)
B - 224753 - CDT version:3,Platform ID:8,Major ID:1,Minor ID:0,Subtype:129
B - 231664 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Start
B - 235405 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Start
D - 230 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Delta
D - 0 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Delta
B - 248215 - pm_driver_init, Start
D - 4561 - pm_driver_init, Delta
B - 254565 - cpr_init, Start
D - 100 - cpr_init, Delta
B - 259048 - cpr_cx_mx_apc_vol_update, Start
D - 80 - cpr_cx_mx_apc_vol_update, Delta
B - 274294 - clock_init, Start
D - 150 - clock_init, Delta
B - 274509 - boot_flash_init, Start
D - 26158 - boot_flash_init, Delta
B - 304598 - boot_flash_swi_ddr_init, Start
D - 3411 - Segments hash check
D - 32063 - boot_flash_swi_ddr_init, Delta
B - 436664 - hw_family:6, hw_type:4, hw_rev:0
B - 437252 - nv_swinv_filename_build 66081
B - 441043 - ssmem region 1 crc check failed:d63956ef != d0eea29b
B - 444991 - SSMEM framework version check failed
B - 449730 - SSMEM bad, reinit
B - 453765 - SSMEM init OK
B - 459710 - DEBUG OU: 0000000000000002
B - 459769 - DEBUG OU - setting: 2
B - 462535 - is_memory_dump_allowed (0) in this secure module
B - 468375 - ssmem_get: region 18 not exists
B - 472574 - cannot get SSMEM fwupdate region
B - 476993 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65653
B - 481679 - item 65653: file does not exist: /swinv/item_files/PRODUCT_NAE
B - 488261 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65543
B - 493473 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65541
B - 497606 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65542
B - 501779 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65546
B - 505032 - item 65546: file does not exist: /swinv/item_files/USB_REMOTEP
B - 512417 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65549
B - 516740 - item 65549: file does not exist: /swinv/item_files/USB_MAX_SEZ
B - 523926 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65548
B - 528247 - item 65548: file does not exist: /swinv/item_files/USB_MTU
B - 534636 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65550
B - 539055 - item 65550: file does not exist: /swinv/item_files/USB_IDMORPN
B - 546079 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65544
B - 551232 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65545
B - 554568 - item 65545: file does not exist: /swinv/item_files/USB_COMP_2D
B - 561409 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65744
B - 567234 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65552
B - 570979 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65538
B - 574739 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65539
B - 578978 - USB non-zero endpoint requirements: 7 in, 4 out
B - 583645 - nv_swinv_filename_build 66042
B - 589592 - opening partition 0:SLOT_0
B - 591960 - error for readpage:0
B - 594931 - no meta data:didn’t write
B - 598687 - Program mode 0
B - 2603890 - SVC PIN detected
B - 2604454 - DWL-get: ecnt=0 code=7
B - 2610898 - API change: date not generated by cwe_header_init
B - 2616081 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65726
B - 2616443 - Failed to read size: /swinv/item_files/CUST_IM_SWITCH_HIDE
B - 2621208 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65664
B - 2626614 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65562
B - 2630732 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65553
B - 2634957 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65902
B - 2638114 - Failed to read size: /swinv/item_files/FOTA_PARTITION
B - 2643957 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65727
B - 2648544 - Failed to read size: /swinv/item_files/CUST_IM_CONFIG
B - 2654384 - nv_swinv_filename_build 66018
B - 2661755 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65683
B - 2664714 - flags: u=1 e=1 obmsk=c,0
B - 2666307 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65994
B - 2671949 - ssmem_get: region 21 not exists
B - 2675294 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65999
B - 2680100 - nv_swinv_filename_build 66034
B - 2684184 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65684
B - 2688332 - nv_swinv_filename_build 66001
B - 2692954 - sec_oem_keys_flash_read, RoT_get: cannot open partition
B - 2697793 - ssmem_release: region 20 not exists
B - 2702360 - ssmem_get: region 20 not exists
B - 2706674 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65994
B - 2712918 - smart recovery counter cleared
B - 2714870 - DWL-ety: rea=1 rcv=0
B - 2718659 - nv_swinv_filename_build 65542
B - 3150616 - Sahara over USB
B - 3150671 - nv_swinv_filename_build 66061
Did you think we can do something ?