When I try to update a Q2686RD from Fw7.44 to Fw 7.51, it hangs after 2%.
I’m using At+WDWL.
Maybe the issue is related to the loader ?
“V08b0k” is installed into the modem.
If so, where can I get the latest version ?
When I try to update a Q2686RD from Fw7.44 to Fw 7.51, it hangs after 2%.
I’m using At+WDWL.
Maybe the issue is related to the loader ?
“V08b0k” is installed into the modem.
If so, where can I get the latest version ?
It is probably is the bootloader. Try upgrading to the latest bootloader first and then update the FW. Look here : viewtopic.php?f=108&t=6215&start=15
However, as you can see in the same thread some users (including myself) have experienced problems after upgrading to the latest FW. I downgraded from 7.51 to 7.47 and my system behaves much better now. Still a few glitches, but not as serious as when I had 7.51 installed.
Where to find it: Developer Studio (DS) -> the Target Management perspective -> Target Status & Configuration tab there is a table that lists the details about the current bootloader of the device. Next to the “Bootloader” title of the table there is a download button. If you click that one you will see a list of the available bootloaders that are on your DS. If you don’t see the latest bootloader, then I think you need to go to the Package Manger perspective and install the latest package. Not 100% about the latter.
After you install the latest bootloader you will be able to upgrade to 7.51 and even downgrade to 7.47 (as I recommended above). However, if you downgrade to 7.47 and you still have problems, then it is advisable to downgrade the bootloader to the one corresponding to the 7.47 FW. It is better to have a consistent bootloader and FW installed.
Thanks pvouzis.
For the ones who are wondering, after the update, the loader will be there :
C:\Program Files\Sierra Wireless\Embedded Software\com.wavecom.openat.ide.spm.fw.model.\resources\swift\dwl.dwl
This file is important to me, because I can’t rely on DS for the updates on field.
I had to implement my own process with XModem protocole.
The current loader version is V09c08.