Q2438F WPPP 102 error

Gudday Folks,

I’m having to run up a TCP stack on the Q2438F after working with the Q2406B … naturally I’m confused.

When running through any of the examples in the TCP documentation I am getting an error code 102 on +WPPP=0 or +WPPP=1,"<","<" username and password in the < < places.

This is followed by a 202.

Now the documentation states that this error code is operation would block.

What does this mean??? The module is in idle mode. What should I be doing?

Any assistance at all with the PPP on Q2438F would be greatly appreciated.



Gudday Folks,

Solved the problems - it appears that mr network activator made a wee mistake when activating them - all OK now…



Do you recall exactly what the provisioning issue was? And, what network carrier were you using?