I am trying to write to a GIO port. (Q2406B, Open AT 3.10)
- I subscribe using
telemetryHandle = adl_ioSubscribe ( MaskForAPI, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, IO_POLL_TIME, ioHandler );
telemetryHandle is assigned a positive value. (254)
- I try to write using
result = adl_ioWrite(telemetryHandle, ADL_IO_Q24X6_GPO_3, 0);
result is assigned ADL_RET_ERR_UNKNOWN_HDL, failing to change the output value.
I am confused since the documentation says, positive handle values are valid values. I am sure that ioWrite is given the correct value of telemetryHandle because I call it right after subscribing. Any ideas why this could happen?
Best Regards,
Yigit Erdal Bora