Problem with WMUX and GPRS on Firmware 6.57


I’ve written some code to implement a WMUX driver to allow me to run GPRS while still monitoring signal strength, send/receive SMS, etc. I developed this using a Wavecom M1306B modem, with the following firmware:

641b09gg.Q2406E 1339080 041604 16:04

Everything works fine on this modem, I can activate GPRS, acquire an IP address via PPP, and issue AT commands simultaneously. Recently, I tried running it with a newer M1306B modem, that reports ATI3 with:

657a09gg.Q2406B 1954496 112806 17:56

With everything else the same (PC, software, SIM), on this model, when I issue AT+CGDATA=1 (from within a WMUX command packet), I get a long pause, and eventually NO CARRIER. If I manually try activating GPRS outside of WMUX, it works fine, but with WMUX, it just can’t CONNECT.

Does anyone have any success with GPRS using WMUX on firmware 6.57? If it is a known firmware issue, how do I go about upgrading/downgrading my firmware?


Yes, firmware 6.57 has bug with WMUX. You should upgrade to 6.57c or newer

Hi guys!

Where do you got those firmware version and DLWin + instruction to upgrade your firmwares?
