I have a issue with my custom board, I am new developer, I start Hlg8548-g with power on pin and later I get this:
+SIM: 1
+KSUP: 0
All works perfect but after around 23 seconds I recive that commands again:
+SIM: 1
+KSUP: 0
After 23 seconds:
+SIM: 1
+KSUP: 0
Do you know why? Any ideas?
Thanks for your time.
Hello again, thanks for the answer. I’m sorry but I added more details for my problem:
I have a custom hardware with hl8548. I have connected HL8548 and Raspberry pi through UART Port with 2 wire connection, My problem is when I start hl8548 with POwer On Pulse i recived in UART RX:
+SIM: 1
+KSUP: 0
All its ok, but after 23 seconds seens that Hl8548 resets, so I get that commands again.
During 23 seconds I can write with AT Commands and modify some values, but after that time HL8548 reset again and i could not save nothing.
When I try to power off hl8548 with “cpof” AT Command, the VGPIO Pin have 2V.
Any ideas again? Whatever idea please let know it.
Thanks again for your time.
As per PTS, VGPIO should be 0 after module power off.
One reason we can say why it’s not 0, can be due to other devices in your development board. Did you try giving AT commands at this stage? Module is responding to AT command?