Possible to update ULPM timer duration from edge action?

Is is possible to update ULPM wake timer duration dynamically using an edge action? Attempts to write dh://util/ulpm/config have failed.

Hi @dpinc
I’ve been able to set ULPM duration from edge action with following code:

return {
  "dh://util/ulpm/config": [{"timer":500}] 

You can verify on the Device:

May 15 11:39:36 fx30s user.info Legato:  INFO | util[1717]/util T=main | ulpm.c resetConfig() 150 | ulpm: configuration cleared
May 15 11:39:36 fx30s user.info Legato:  INFO | util[1717]/util T=main | ulpm.c configHandler() 289 | ulpm: JSON config parsed successfully
May 15 11:39:36 fx30s user.info Legato:  INFO | util[1717]/util T=main | ulpm.c configHandler() 293 | ulpm: JSON config applied successfully
root@fx30s:~# dhub list /app/util/ulpm/config
config <output> = {"timer":500} (ts: 1684143576.615276)
      data type = JSON


This works for me. Thanks!