Pin T20 not mentioned in WMP100 datasheet?

After a placement error in Allegro PCB Editor, I discovered pin T20 (correction: ball T20, it’s a BGA) is not described in datasheet “WMP100 PTS and CDG rev004 July 2007.pdf” and “WMP100 Product Technical Specification Overview rev002 March 2007.pdf”. Is there any newer version of the datasheet, or do I miss something? I searched the datasheets by reading and by pressing Control+F in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Does anyone know about this?

T20 ball is “Reserved”, the documentation specify that yo must not connect it.

Inside Ball Grid Array pinout chapter, last part of the table.

Now I see, thanks.

Though I wonder why the text “T20” is not found if I search using Control+F. Other pin names are found, like “D19” in the same table, also “D2”, but not “D20”. Some texts (like “D20”) are not selectable at all. And content copying is disabled, which irritates me, I have to type over all texts I need for the design documentation of my project. Maybe someone can do something about it?

Quite so - it is absolutely ridiculous that this data is not available in a form that can be readily incorporated into other design documentation! :angry:

Manually typing the pin details is bad enough for the modules with “just” i [/i]50 or 60 pins - but doing it for 576 balls is complete nonsense! :angry: :angry:

Look at this

Thanks - that’s brilliant! :smiley:

Was that provided by Wavecom, or did you have to create it yourself?

I couldn’t see such a file in the Downloads area for the WMP100… :angry: