Hello guys, I am looking for some assistance on setting up OpenVPN on my RV55 device. I am not too familiar with the process to setup OpenVpn on the device. I am accustomed to the redlion DA50’s where we create a profile on our OpenVPN server and then download that VPN profile onto the device. Any tips and walkthroughs would be great. Thanks!
Hi @arturo.acosta,
Welcome to our community!
According to the RV55 Series Software Configuration Guide, the AirLink router can only function as an OpenVPN client.
Please refer to page 223 of the document for more detailed information. You can find the document at the following link: https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/airlink/software_reference_docs/airlink-rv55---configuration-guide/#sthash.Shzch6ts.dpbs.
I had looked into the manual and tried but I am not too familiar with that process on how they were able to generate the keys.